Monday, April 18, 2011

1912 Memorial Hall Program donated; Horner to expand Teen Scribes; Munchkins Mom is back; Republicans are wimps; Obama bribes 4th Estate & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Some great local news and commentary today… DCCA gets a 1912 original program and Fort GreeneVille DAR joins Memorial Hall Centennial planning; Elizabeth Horner expands Teen Scribes program and Mother of the Munchkins is back. Enjoy.

Home Page

Original 1912 Memorial Hall Program Donated to DCCA – Lead Story
The value of writing, by Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
New York Magazine... What It’s Like to Be a War Horse – Community
The Ghoulbus, By Bethany J. Royer, Mother of the Munchkins – Opinion
Daily Events... Republicans a Bunch of Wimps - Blogs


Treasurer Mandel Presents the “Real Money, Real World” Simulation
Fox News... Senators: New Deficit Reduction Plan Will ‘Make Everybody Mad’
Cincinnati Enquirer... Kasich’s indecision impacts Cincinnati casino
New York Times... Obama’s Debt Plan Sets Stage for Long Battle Over Spending

More Blogs

Townhall... New Media Catches Obama Bribing the Fourth Estate
Dayton Daily News Editorial... NASA changed signals on Ohio, Midwest
Toledo Blade... Made-up problems


Phyllis M. Honeycutt

God Bless,

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