Wednesday, April 27, 2011

News coverage of Speaker Boehner's visit to Rebsco; Garst Museum; Buchy's Government Capitalism; Edison CC; Repeal SB5 Petition & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

House Speaker Boehner’s visit to Rebsco, Inc., Greenville, received nationwide coverage… ABC News and national Internet news agency Politico articles are posted today, along with County News Online’s story and photos.

Home Page

Darke County tied to U.S., World Economies, By Bob Robinson - Lead
Politico... John Boehner: No promises on debt limit vote – News
ABC... John Boehner: Oil companies should pay their ‘fair share’ – News
Garst Museum’s Visitor Comments Are Positive – Community
Capitalism in Government, By Jim Buchy – Opinion
Townhall... Video Games and Bullying – Blogs
Townhall... Obama’s Regulatory Tsunami More Destructive than Taxes - Blogs

More News

Kasich signs BWC and Industrial Commission Budgets
Mandel: $68.9 million available for Ag-LINK loans

More Community

Edison Seeks Community Input For Travel Abroad Program


Petition to Repeal Senate Bill 5

More Blogs

Townhall... 7 Ways Politicians Mislead The American Public’s Washington Beat

God Bless,

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