Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mayoral candidates agree to agree; Visitors Bureau; more space shuttle; courthouse volunteers needed; Beagle; Boehner; Kasich & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Mayoral candidates faced off for the first time on Tuesday; as you will note in the story, they agreed on the vast majority of issues. The League of Women Voters will host Meet The Candidates, Monday at 7 p.m., American Legion. Maybe someone – maybe you – will ask them to tell you why you should vote for them over their opponent. You have a choice… make it an informed one.

Home Page

Mayoral candidates agree to agree, By Bob Robinson, Editor – Lead
Darke County Visitors Bureau… Race to Taste for Prelude – Events
Beagle Helps Public Libraries - News
Dayton Business Journal... Fight over space shuttle sites continues – News
Boehner: Cut DOJ Funds to Pay for DOMA Defense – News
Townhall... Obama’s Domestic Imperialism – Blogs
Townhall... Main Street Understands Compromise - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Kasich’s Beginning: An adventurous, divisive 100 days
Newsmax... FEC Investigators Digging Into Obama’s 2008 Campaign


HandsOn West Central Ohio… Courthouse volunteers

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Tax Congress!
Truthout... Walker Proposes Hiking Taxes and Fees on the Poor and Students


Help us stop Obamacare in Ohio!


Arlene L. York

God Bless,

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