Saturday, April 2, 2011

Faber on Senate Bill 5; Why Music? Why Not?; Coppock-Hole sponsors Riders; Family Events; Boehner's Open Door Schedule & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 3, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

An historic event took place at Greenville High School. Thirty-seven students from four Division 3 Key Clubs held a Box City event Saturday night to make the public aware of the plight of the homeless. It’s a fun, but sobering event and you’ll see the story soon in local and regional media. Watch for it on County News Online. Pictured on the CNO Home Page are Key Club Officers and Tribe Leaders getting their instructions for the evening.

Home Page

Senate Bill 5 Reforms needed to Help manage Costs – Lead
Why Music? Why not? By Sharon Hopper, Senior Scribe – Community
Coppock-Hole Trust sponsors DCCA's Riders in the Sky – Community
Family Events… Manhattan mom needs a reality check – Opinion
Townhall... Equipping Children With Spiritual and Political Armor - Blogs

More News

Politico... Govs face budget blowback
Boehner says no agreement on budget stalemate


Boehner Open Door Schedule

More Blogs

Redstate... On Ethanol, Conservatives Should Stand With Tom Coburn
Redstate... On Intervention and Opposition to the Libyan Engagement

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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