Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reaction on SB5; Volunteer of the Year; Send Kids to Camp; Wind Farms; Educate Versailles; Voter Education Grant & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Yesterday we posted State Rep. Jim Buchy’s announcement of the House passage of SB5. Today our lead story provides reaction from Dems, Reps and union members. Many of you have been voting for the Darke County Volunteer of the Year… and have been trying to figure out the weird numbers you get after posting your votes (you can vote more than once). Our story in Community explains it. 210,000 votes and counting… wow!

Home Page

Columbus Dispatch... Ohio House passes Senate Bill 5 – Lead
Delicious Dinner sends Kids to Summer Camp – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Honda faces production issues in U.S. – News
Townhall... Voting with Their Feet – Blogs
Townhall... How Awful Is GE? - Blogs

More News

Politico... Democrats pessimistic about avoiding shutdown
Grant opportunity for Voter Education Programs to People with Disabilities


210,000 Votes and Counting...


Darke County Issues… Wind Farms, Part 2, By Al Bliss


Educate Versailles Members express their Concerns

More Blogs

Redstate... US Allies With Al Qaeda In Libya
Townhall... FDA Headbangs With Condoms, Not Cigs


Patty Lou "Pat" Nease

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

House passes SB5; Wal-mart sex bias lawsuit; History of Kiwanis; Kasich Budget Analysis; Probe requested in Drug Hike & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 31, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

News released from State Rep. Jim Buchy’s office at 5:55 p.m.: House passes SB 5 with changes. It will now go back to the Senate for reconciliation. Wal-Mart sex bias lawsuit could have major ramifications for the national retailer… and Greenville. Also worthy of note, an analysis of Kasich’s first state budget.

Home Page

Breaking News from Columbus – Buchy: House passes SB5
A History of the Kiwanis Club of Greenville, Part 3 of 5 – The 1980's
Dayton Business Journal… Dayton Ballet to premiere Sleepy Hollow – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Wal-Mart sex-bias lawsuit lands at Supreme Court – News
Townhall... Collapse of the Obama Worldview – Blogs
Human Events Editorial... The Energy Choke - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Kasich hopes budget plan impresses bond raters
Gov. John Kasich unveils his first state budget - Analysis
Toledo Blade... Sen. Brown calls for probe into drug’s cost hike

More Community

Do you live to shop?  Do you love helping others find a great bargain?

More Events

Darke County Parks: Hike to Health


Darke County Issues… Wind Farms, Part 1, By Al Bliss

More Blogs

The Columbus Dispatch, Just mention the ‘T word,’ and politicians plug their ears
Columbus Dispatch Editorial... Bad idea

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tae Kwon Do... by Teen Scribe Christy Riley; GNB sponsors Riders; Monte Carlo at the Eagles; Faber; the "swipes" keep coming on Libya & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

A great article on Tae Kwon Do by Darke County’s newest Teen Scribe, Christy Riley is our lead story. Be sure to check it out; classes are available at the Y. Pres. Obama’s speech on Libya didn’t seem to help matters for him… the criticism on the right is far and wide. CNO offers one of the more sizzling responses from Redstate.

Home Page

Tae Kwon Do… the Way of the Hand and Foot, By Christy Riley, Teen Scribe – Lead
Greenville National Bank sponsors Riders in the Sky – Community
Faber: Increased Dredging to begin at Grand Lake St. Marys - News
Monte Carlo Night is back at the Eagles – Events
Redstate... Obama’s Not Just Bombing Libya: The Main Course Speech That Felt More Like an Appetizer - Blogs

More News

Toledo Blade... Kasich cuts wide swath of items to repair budget
Politico... ‘Kinetic military action’ or ‘war’?
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Blogs

Townhall... Ponzi Schemes
Reason Foundation... The Truth About Nuclear Power


Florence “Flo” Bennett Greenhoff

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Wuebker Honored at Ag Luncheon, DC Parks, Pets of the Week, Garden News, Cancer Support Group, State News, Blogs & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

There are two interesting takes on the Libya “situation”… Mad Dog on the Home Page and Bill O’Reilly’s Triumph of Evil in Blogs. Check them out. Sweatshops and Classrooms criticizes the audacity to compare today’s union movement with that of 100 years ago.

Home Page

Wuebker Honored at Ag Luncheon, By Beverly Hughes, Senior Scribe – Lead
DC Parks… Salamanders are Shy Creatures – Community
DC Animal Shelter… Pets of the Week – Community
Townhall... Of Sweatshops And Classrooms – Blogs
Townhall... Gadhafi - the Mad Dog Who Trumped the World - Blogs

More News

Dispatch... Kasich’s approval rating 30%; he vows to turn state around
Dispatch... Clean Ohio funds: Kasich cancels check to casino
Plain Dealer... Kasich counts on liquor consumption to bring jobs

More Community

OSU Extension… Getting Your Garden in Shape for the Season
“Living with Cancer” Support Group will be on Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Blogs

Reason Foundation... The Rosy Scenario System
Townhall... The Triumph of Evil


Naomi Vere Hemmerich, Larry E. Richards, Dorothy M. Henry

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Greenville 8th Graders take top POP honors; VFW Chicken Noodle Ship; Visitor's Bureau; Flunking the Citizenship Test; Skill Games & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Top local story today is two local Junior High Students – Greenville Junior High’s Cristal Smith and DeColores Montesori’s Kelly Snyder – taking top honors at Saturday’s Power of the Pen Regional Tournament in Minster. Smith won the First Place honor; Snyder won Sixth Place. Lead story with lots of pictures.

Home Page

Greenville Eighth Graders take top POP honors, By Bob Robinson - Lead
Skipper of the VFW Chicken Noodle Ship! By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe – Community
York Visits with Local Legislators in Support of Tourism – Community
One Homeless Veteran Is One Too Many, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown – Opinion
Townhall... Flunking the Citizenship Test - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... U.S. Postal Service eliminating 7,500 jobs
Insider Report from
Truthout... Farmers Sue USDA Over Monsanto Alfalfa – Again
Columbus Dispatch... DeWine wants tighter controls on ‘skill games’

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Liquored up for jobs
Townhall... Gov. Walker’s Legislation Has Unions Caving Already

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

I am a Caregiver; Buchy reflects on the Forums; DC Parks Discovery Hike; Corporate taxes; Blogs; Family Events & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our lead story today is powerful!! It is a must read. Two issues dealing with today’s teens… they’re worth checking out, whether you have a teen in your family or not. Still lots of news and blogs… simply go to the tabs at the top of the Home page.

Home Page

I am a Caregiver, By Beverly Hughes, Senior Scribe – Lead
Are you living with Attila the Teen? By Marybeth Hicks – Opinion
Reflecting on Public Forums, By State Rep. Jim Buchy – Opinion
Townhall... Parents Need to Step Up in Style Wars – Blogs
DC Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report - Community


Plain Dealer... Kasich’s proposed university reforms draw praise and criticism
Truthout... GE’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices accelerate further

More Blogs

Townhall... Corporate Welfare
Redstate... Where This Is Headed
Reason Foundation... Obama’s War of Choice

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Absentee Voting; No New Taxes; Kiwanis: Gently Used Books; Commissioners Corner; OSU Extension; Boehner rips Obama & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Absentee voting for May 3 begins Tuesday. On your ballot will be a Renewal Levy for Greenville Schools. Please note this is NOT a requested increase and will NOT raise your taxes. The levy is for operating expenses that must be renewed every five years.

Home Page

Levy: No new taxes - Classrooms Facilities Assistance Program, By Bob Rhoades – Lead
Kiwanis: Donate ‘Gently Used’ Books – Events
Commissioners Corner, March 25, 2011 – Community
Politico... Harry Reid lets 2012 Democrats off the hook – News
Human Events... A Foolish and Unconstitutional War - Blogs

More News

Politico... John Boehner rips President Obama on Libya
Politico... In search of the ‘Obama doctrine’
Politico... Senate Democrats defend Obama on Libya

More Community

Absentee Voting begins Tuesday (March 29)
OSU Extension: Canner Gauge Testing Time

More Blogs

A Must Read at FoxNews... Gambling With Our Lives -- A Senior’s Take on ObamaCare
Townhall... Anti-Iraq War Bush-Haters Squirm to Justify Libya

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

DC Kidnapping/Abduction; Lincoln Day Dinner; Visitor's Bureau; GOP loses in Obamacare and Vietnam Veterans Day

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Not sure if this was reported elsewhere, but there was an interesting case of kidnapping (or abduction) that has been investigated and is now being prosecuted. It’s worth following. Two Ohio Supreme Justices showcase the Lincoln Day Dinner this year. And our Visitor’s Bureau is touting tourism in Darke County up north.

Home Page

Lincoln Day Dinner: Darke GOP to host Ohio Supreme Court Justices – Lead
Darke County Well-Represented at Heartland Travel Showcase – Community
Darke County kidnapping/abduction, By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribes – News
Human Events... - Islamic Law in Florida Court – Blogs
Townhall... Dud Deals in California - Blogs

More News

Politico... Republicans school their freshman class
Politico... Budget writers look for deals

More Events

MOAA... Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

More Blogs

Redstate... The Fatal Flaw Of The Federal Subsidy
FoxNews... ObamaCare vs. the GOP -- Score One for the White House

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Riders in the Sky; Pancake Day; Kayla Lamar's New Year's Resolution Madness; Obama wants to Drill Oil... but not here; and More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Riders in the Sky is back by popular demand. I saw them the last time they were here… these guys are a blast!! If you have a few bucks and a couple hours, this is one performance you don’t want to miss. Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor is gone. My favorite movie was “Giant.” How about yours? Miss Taylor was true Hollywood Royalty.

Home Page

Pancake Day helps support Kiwanis projects, by Bob Robinson – Lead
DCCA - Riders in the Sky return to Greenville – Events
FoxNews... Silver Screen Legend Elizabeth Taylor Dies at Age 79 – News
New Year’s Resolution Madness #3 Stick to a Budget, By Kayla Lemar, Teen Scribe
Unemployment: The True Picture By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann - Blogs

More News

New York Times... Obama Seeks to Unify Allies as More Airstrikes Rock Tripoli
Washington Beat... Obama Calls for Oil Drilling... in Brazil

More Blogs

Townhall... UN Intervention Into Libya an Ominous Precedent For Israel
Chillicothe Gazette... John Kasich’s budget cuts needed to be deep


Charlene Lavonne Hetzel

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Buchy says they're Bad Guys now, Good Guys later; Faber's Newsletter; Charter Schools; Free Movies; and a Must Read: Rigor Please

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

While Japan and Libya have been dominating the national and world news, “dollars and sense (wording intentional)” have dominated Ohio news. In nearly every meeting I attend the topic of Ohio’s budget has played a role in discussions. State Rep. Buchy had a full crowd that stayed long after the Republican Men’s Club meeting was over. It’s our lead story.

Home Page

Buchy: We’re the bad guys now, in two years… by Bob Robinson – Lead
DBJ... Patients flock to Facebook for health care needs – News
Faber’s Weekly Newsletter: Interested in becoming an Ohio Wildlife Officer? – News
Townhall... Are Charter Schools the Education Solution? – Blogs
Townhall... Blue Over Green Energy Promises - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Watching free online movies can be costly
Politico... GOP 2012 hopefuls on Libya: Scathing or silent

More Blogs

Hillarious (or frightening)... ya gotta read it! Townhall... Rigor Please
Truthout... Congress Must Debate the Libya War


Joan L. Voisard

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Key Club Leadership... Knowing yourself; Enjoy the Spring as a Volunteer; Kasich Support Grows; Obamacare Year One & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The Japan catastrophe and Libyan crisis are dominating the national news; and Gov. Kasich is getting kudos from the usual places… plus the not so usual ones. He has attracted the attention of a national blogger at Townhall and the Plain Dealer says he’s ushering in a leaner government. If I had to make a “commentary” (which I will), maybe the handwriting isn’t on the wall in Washington yet, but it is in Ohio.

Home Page

KCI Leadership… Knowing Who You Are and What You are Doing – Lead
Foxnews... Japan Discovers More Radiation Tainted Food – News
Politico... Liberal Democrats in uproar over Libya action – News
Townhall... Honoring All our WWI Heroes – Blogs
Townhall... Leadership from Gov. Kasich - Blogs

More News

Politico... John Boehner to President Obama: Define the mission
DBJ... Northwestern Mutual hiring 2,500 college interns

More Community

Enjoy the spring scenery as a volunteer

More Blogs

Plain Dealer... An Ohio budget to usher in leaner local government
Redstate... This week is the first anniversary of Obamacare


Esther Irene Warner

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

VFW Americanism Patriotism; Bradford Railroad Museum; Atlas Shrugged Movie; Rasmussen; More Budget Reaction & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The VFW Americanism annual event, once again, was a patriotic and uplifting experience. Young Americans voiced their views of the future and their roles in it. State Rep. Jim Buchy reminded us of our history and the role played by our military… then challenged us. East Echoes gave us a rousing patriotic medley of music. View photos, plus a slide show by Lyn Bliss.

Home Page

We are the Future, VFW Americanism - By Bob Robinson, Editor - Lead
Rasmussen – What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - News Explosions, Gunfire Heard Over Tripoli as Strikes Continue – News
Reason... Atlas Shrugged: Is A (the Movie) Really A (the Novel)? – Blogs
Townhall... Few Angels in the Budget Brawl - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch… Kasich looks to extract savings from pensions
Seth Morgan Joins Americans for Prosperity... will serve as “Director of Policy”
Columbus Dispatch… State budget is a sad story for small libraries
Dayton Daily News… State park access to stay free despite funding cut


Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum

More Blogs

Reason... Nuclear Disaster in Japan
Townhall... Radioactive Reporting

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Sister's Personal Tragedy; Boehner's High School Art Competition; Local Group reorganizes to support charity; Maid-Rite gives for Kids, State News, Blogs & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

One of the “great reads” of historic Darke County is Nancy Hampshire Rush’s “My Mother’s Child,” a detailing of the life of one family from as far back as the late 19th century, through today. Our lead story is an excerpt from one of the chapters. State bankruptcy is where some states may be headed… but if Gov. Kasich has anything to say about it, not Ohio. Check the Townhall column in Blogs.

Home Page

A Sister’s Personal Tragedy, By Nancy Hampshire Rush – Lead Story
Group Reorganizes, Plans to Support Local Charities, By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe – Community
Boehner invites High School Students to Compete In Competition – News
Human Events... Rep. Randy Forbes: ‘In God We Trust’ – Blogs
Eagle Publications… Rising Gas Prices and Obama’s Failure to Lead - Blogs

More News

The Columbus Dispatch… Budget uses accounting maneuvers Five Signs You’re a Bad Boss
Akron Beacon Journal… Kasich says Medicaid to improve
Columbus Dispatch… Kasich tries selling budget cuts to senior citizens

More Community

Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe gives for Kids

More Blogs

Townhall... State Bankruptcy: The Worst Idea Yet


William M. "Will" Thwaits

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Breaking News... Six-year-old injured in shooting incident; GSD Facilities Commission tours schools; DCCA; Monnin to speak at LWV & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking News… Six-year-old child in Hollansburg injured in shooting incident; was transported to Children’s Medical Center in Dayton.

Home Page

Greenville Schools Facilities Commission tours Ohio Schools, By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe – Lead Story
DCCA Special Performance: Claire Lynch – Events
Monnin to speak at LWV Public Program – Events
Family Events... A little bit spoiled can be a big problem – Opinion
Townhall... GOP Fear That History Will Repeat Helps Ensure It Will - Blogs


Child Injured in Shooting Incident
Absentee Voting begins March 29
BWC investigates Scioto & Huron County physician for fraud
The Toledo Blade… Budget breaks promises, Democrats say
Youngstown Vindicator… Budget director questioned
Columbus Dispatch... Cambridge considers allowing oil drilling in city park

More Blogs

Townhall... Continuing Stubborn Ignorance
Dayton Daily News Editorial... Forcing local tax increases not solution
Columbus Dispatch Editorial… Test of leadership


Jerome W.  "Jerry" Barga, Marjorie Lida (Evilsizor) Anthony

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Economic Update from Saluk; Aslinger appointed Probate & Juvenile Judge; Elizabeth Horner on the digital age; election audits by Jan Boyer & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In the local news… Economic Update for the GOP Women from Marc Saluk; Attorney Jason Aslinger appointed Probate & Juvenile Judge by Kasich; thoughts on the digital age by Elizabeth Horner and an observation of an election audit by LWV member Jan Boyer.

Home Page

GOP Women host Economic Development Update, By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe – Lead Story
Computer on the Fritz, By Elizabeth Horner, Teen Scribe – Teen
Faber: Flood risk and actions you can take; Prepare for Cold Water – News
LWV Observes Election Audit, By Jan Boyer – Opinion
Townhall... GOP Should Heed Lesson of 1991: No Guts, No Glory

More News

Kasich appoints Aslinger Common Pleas Probate & Juvenile Judge
Dayton Business Journal… Bill would end government funding of NPR
Dayton Daily News… State budget’s impact starts to sink in
Dayton Daily News... Despite rise in state funding, education facing double-digit cuts
New York Times... House Passes Spending Bill, but Not Happily

More Blogs

Human Events... This is What Happens When Republicans Get Milquetoast
Politico... Could ‘No Child’ get left behind?
Truthout... Class Warfare, the Final Chapter


Eugene R. “Gene” Brown

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kasich Budget: Details & Reaction around state; Art at the Mill; BRC Great Lunch event; Obamacare waivers; Hot-to-Protest students & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The lead story is what we’ve been “anticipating” for months now… many of us probably with mixed emotions. It includes links to reaction around the state as well as pdf’s of the actual budget recommendation, both summary and details.

Home Page

Gov. John Kasich’s 2012-13 Budget – Local entities hit hard – Lead Story
‘Art at the Mill’ 2011 – Events
Great Lunch. Great Price. Great Cause. From BRC – Events
Human Events... House GOP Shuts Down Failed TARP Programs – Blogs
Townhall... The Real Battle: Makers v. Takers - Blogs

More News

New York Times... State Legislatures Slow on Immigration Measures
Boehner: JEC Study Shows Spending Cuts Support Job Growth

More Blogs

Politico... Waivers at center of health debate
Libertarian Party... Press falsely credits Republicans with “deep cuts”
Townhall... To America’s hot-to-protest college students
The Columbus Dispatch... Democrats watch their base shrink


Dale D. Anthony Sr., Mary F. Sanders, Craig A. Jones, Amber D. Dispennette

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mortensen on the roles of teachers & parents; DMX 2011 at Edison CC; Local goes to NFRW Boehner Briefing; Gas Prices & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

There has been much discussion about the role of teachers and school districts in the education of our children. Some – not all – of us in the community may have forgotten that schools are not babysitters… their job is to educate, and to do that they need the help of parents and guardians. Chris Mortensen’s “Where do you rate?” is a “must read” for us all.

Home Page

Where do you rate? By Chris Mortensen, Principal, GHS – Lead Story
DMX 2011: a Look at Careers in Graphics, By Bob Robinson – Community
NFRW Briefed by Speaker Boehner at U.S. Capitol – News
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices creep higher – News
Townhall... The 7 Greatest Scientific Achievements Of The Last 50 Years - Blogs

More News

Truthout... Assault on Collective Bargaining Illegal
Dayton Daily News… Communities’ officials want to keep estate tax Conservatives Voice Frustration With Short-Term Budget Bills

More Blogs

Redstate... Will Freshman House Republicans Keep Their Promise?
Townhall... Unions Skittish Over Obama
Townhall... We All Must ‘Sacrifice,’ Except the President’s Friends

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Boehner's Annual Farm Forum; DCCA's Walkin' Cane; Prescription Drug Abuse; Ag Farm Week; DC Parks; HandsOn volunteer nominations & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The house was packed at Edison for Congressman John Boehner’s 20th Annual Farm Forum. A lot of information in News today, much of it around Kasich’s plans for the biennium budget. Also, Events, Blogs and Community. Check them out.

Home Page

Farm Forum focuses on EPA, public awareness – Lead Story
DCCA presents Blues Artist Austin “Walkin Cane” – Community
Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse, By U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown – Opinion
Townhall... Why NPR Should Urge Congress to End Its Subsidy – Blogs
Townhall... Welcome to the Third World - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Kasich hopes more healthy babies will reduce Medicaid costs
Insider Report from, March 13, 2011
Columbus Dispatch... No timetable on Senate Bill 5 vote
Columbus Dispatch... Kasich’s budget tackles Medicaid spending
Dayton Daily News... Kasich wants students better prepared for jobs

More Blogs

Redstate... CRS Report: U.S. is Leader in Fossil Fuel Resources
Redstate... Josh Mandel: A candidate to get excited about
Townhall... Win the Future or Cement Ourselves in the Past?


Ag Week Honors Farming, By Justin Petrosino


Darke County Parks: Upcoming Events
HandsOn volunteer nominations… time’s running out


Thelma I. Shives

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Buchy, Faber address union concerns; Blickenstaff "The Maestro;" Pets of the Week; Young Conservatives; Immigration Reform in Utah & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Townhall meeting with Sen. Faber and Rep. Buchy: “SB5 does not eliminate collective bargaining.” They note multiple misconceptions about the Senate bill. The Maestro… a little “tongue-in-cheek” about a local BRC resident. Enjoy.

Home Page

Faber, Buchy address public union concerns, by Bob Robinson – Lead Story
Delbert Blickenstaff… “The Maestro”, by Bob Robinson – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the Week – Community
Townhall... Social Security: Why America Can and Should Allow Private Accounts - Blogs
Townhall... Dance of the Tenured Lemons - Blogs


The Washington Post... The ‘Utah Way’ toward immigration reform
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Foxnews... Japan Nuclear Agency Reports Emergency at Second Reactor
Kasich signs Legislation Creating Agriculture Week

More Blogs

Townhall... GOP Presidential Prospects Shaping into Two Tiers
Human Events... White House Takes on Bullying, but Not in the Mideast
New York Times... The Case for a No-Fly Zone
Townhall... Mr. President: Lead or Get Out of the Way!


Darke County Young Conservatives, March Meeting

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