Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Buchy says they're Bad Guys now, Good Guys later; Faber's Newsletter; Charter Schools; Free Movies; and a Must Read: Rigor Please

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

While Japan and Libya have been dominating the national and world news, “dollars and sense (wording intentional)” have dominated Ohio news. In nearly every meeting I attend the topic of Ohio’s budget has played a role in discussions. State Rep. Buchy had a full crowd that stayed long after the Republican Men’s Club meeting was over. It’s our lead story.

Home Page

Buchy: We’re the bad guys now, in two years… by Bob Robinson – Lead
DBJ... Patients flock to Facebook for health care needs – News
Faber’s Weekly Newsletter: Interested in becoming an Ohio Wildlife Officer? – News
Townhall... Are Charter Schools the Education Solution? – Blogs
Townhall... Blue Over Green Energy Promises - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Watching free online movies can be costly
Politico... GOP 2012 hopefuls on Libya: Scathing or silent

More Blogs

Hillarious (or frightening)... ya gotta read it! Townhall... Rigor Please
Truthout... Congress Must Debate the Libya War


Joan L. Voisard

God Bless,

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