Sunday, March 6, 2011

Farmers likely to see CAUV double, maybe triple; 40 years of cards at VFW; Rasmussen; Watch State of State online & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 7, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

On Thursday local attorney Ted Finnarn told area farmers that their government safety nets may be about to go away. CAUV (a 1974 program designed to keep commercial farm property values at a low taxable rate) is going to double, possibly even triple. Other farm programs are all on the chopping block. David Limbaugh has asked an interesting question… when will environmentalists be held accountable for their policies instead of their good intentions?

Home Page

Safety Nets for Farmers going away, By Bob Robinson – Lead Story
40 years of Card Playing, By Lyn Bliss - Senior
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - News
Townhall... Reckless, Quixotic Fantasies - Blogs
Kasich’s First State of the State Address Tuesday – Watch it Online

More News

Foxnews... Lawmakers at Impasse Over 7-Month Budget; Redirect Focus to Benefit Programs
Toledo Blade… Bell: City of Toledo knew union contract not affordable
Boehner to seek House action to defend DOMA
Newsmax... Gov. Walker: Obama Should Fix His Own Budget Crisis

More Blogs

Obama’s Legacy: Stagflation, By Dick Morris
Townhall... Look for the Union Label, By Bill O’Reilly


John N. Henry

God Bless,

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