Sunday, March 13, 2011

Buchy, Faber address union concerns; Blickenstaff "The Maestro;" Pets of the Week; Young Conservatives; Immigration Reform in Utah & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Townhall meeting with Sen. Faber and Rep. Buchy: “SB5 does not eliminate collective bargaining.” They note multiple misconceptions about the Senate bill. The Maestro… a little “tongue-in-cheek” about a local BRC resident. Enjoy.

Home Page

Faber, Buchy address public union concerns, by Bob Robinson – Lead Story
Delbert Blickenstaff… “The Maestro”, by Bob Robinson – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the Week – Community
Townhall... Social Security: Why America Can and Should Allow Private Accounts - Blogs
Townhall... Dance of the Tenured Lemons - Blogs


The Washington Post... The ‘Utah Way’ toward immigration reform
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Foxnews... Japan Nuclear Agency Reports Emergency at Second Reactor
Kasich signs Legislation Creating Agriculture Week

More Blogs

Townhall... GOP Presidential Prospects Shaping into Two Tiers
Human Events... White House Takes on Bullying, but Not in the Mideast
New York Times... The Case for a No-Fly Zone
Townhall... Mr. President: Lead or Get Out of the Way!


Darke County Young Conservatives, March Meeting

God Bless,

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