Saturday, March 12, 2011

Elizabeth Horner in Chicago; Buchy guest speaker at Rep Men's Club; Pet photos with Easter Bunny; 'Pill Mill' bill passes House; Versailles letter to editor

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 13, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Coming soon, stories and photos… State Sen. Keith Faber and State Rep. on SB 5; DMX at Edison; John Boehner’s Farm Forum and more. Lead story: The continued inroads and recognition of Elizabeth Horner, a high school junior who teaches young people about the power of the printed word. Buchy will be at the Rep Men’s Club Saturday… hope to see you there.

Home Page

Empowerment… Horner speech to Circle of Empowered Women – Lead Story
Buchy guest speaker at Republican Men’s Club - Events
Pet photos with the Easter Bunny - Events
Daily Events... Controlling the lifeboats of a ship that was designed to sink – Blogs
Daily Events - Wednesdays with Emily Miller - Guantanamo Bay - Blogs


Columbus Dispatch... ‘Pill mill’ bill moves quickly to Senate
Politico... White House struggles to lead on spending
Buchy: Transportation budget repairs aging roads, retains jobs
Boehner: House Bills will keep government funded and save taxpayers $9 Billion

More Blogs

Libertarian Party... War on Drugs leads to gun smuggling nightmare
Next to Fall: Saudi Arabia, By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Lessons from a wet basement: Kevin O’Brien


Darke County Parks... Early Morning Discovery Hike Report


To Versailles Voters: Educate Versailles

God Bless,

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