Saturday, March 26, 2011

I am a Caregiver; Buchy reflects on the Forums; DC Parks Discovery Hike; Corporate taxes; Blogs; Family Events & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our lead story today is powerful!! It is a must read. Two issues dealing with today’s teens… they’re worth checking out, whether you have a teen in your family or not. Still lots of news and blogs… simply go to the tabs at the top of the Home page.

Home Page

I am a Caregiver, By Beverly Hughes, Senior Scribe – Lead
Are you living with Attila the Teen? By Marybeth Hicks – Opinion
Reflecting on Public Forums, By State Rep. Jim Buchy – Opinion
Townhall... Parents Need to Step Up in Style Wars – Blogs
DC Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report - Community


Plain Dealer... Kasich’s proposed university reforms draw praise and criticism
Truthout... GE’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices accelerate further

More Blogs

Townhall... Corporate Welfare
Redstate... Where This Is Headed
Reason Foundation... Obama’s War of Choice

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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