Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mortensen on the roles of teachers & parents; DMX 2011 at Edison CC; Local goes to NFRW Boehner Briefing; Gas Prices & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

There has been much discussion about the role of teachers and school districts in the education of our children. Some – not all – of us in the community may have forgotten that schools are not babysitters… their job is to educate, and to do that they need the help of parents and guardians. Chris Mortensen’s “Where do you rate?” is a “must read” for us all.

Home Page

Where do you rate? By Chris Mortensen, Principal, GHS – Lead Story
DMX 2011: a Look at Careers in Graphics, By Bob Robinson – Community
NFRW Briefed by Speaker Boehner at U.S. Capitol – News
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices creep higher – News
Townhall... The 7 Greatest Scientific Achievements Of The Last 50 Years - Blogs

More News

Truthout... Assault on Collective Bargaining Illegal
Dayton Daily News… Communities’ officials want to keep estate tax
FoxNews.com... Conservatives Voice Frustration With Short-Term Budget Bills

More Blogs

Redstate... Will Freshman House Republicans Keep Their Promise?
Townhall... Unions Skittish Over Obama
Townhall... We All Must ‘Sacrifice,’ Except the President’s Friends

God Bless,

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