Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Buchy to hold forum at Memorial Hall; Josh Mandel, powerhouse; HandsOn wants public speakers; Ohio Budget... How much Pain; & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 9, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Gov. John Kasich delivered his first State of the Union speech Tuesday at noon. At posting time the text had not been made available, however the video has been. You will find the link on our News page. Rep. Jim Buchy will be at Memorial Hall at 5 p.m. Friday to talk about Senate Bill 5… you won’t want to miss it.

Home Page

Retiring from Greenville Fire Department and moving on to new horizons, By Robert Rhoades – Lead Story
Rep. Buchy to Host Public Forums (Memorial Hall 5 p.m. Friday) - Events
Washington Post… The Rising: Josh Mandel, young powerhouse - News
Townhall… First the Public Service, Then Endless Litigation - Blogs
Townhall... Recalculating the Odds: Obama and DOMA – Blogs

More News

Politico... Feds want new ways to tap the Web
Politico... Despite openness pledge, President Obama pursues leakers
Business First... Kasich appeals for bipartisanship in State of State

More Blogs

The Columbus Dispatch... Joe Hallett: How much pain? We’ll know soon


HandsOn looking for public speakers


Connie L. Hushour

God Bless,

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