Monday, March 21, 2011

Key Club Leadership... Knowing yourself; Enjoy the Spring as a Volunteer; Kasich Support Grows; Obamacare Year One & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The Japan catastrophe and Libyan crisis are dominating the national news; and Gov. Kasich is getting kudos from the usual places… plus the not so usual ones. He has attracted the attention of a national blogger at Townhall and the Plain Dealer says he’s ushering in a leaner government. If I had to make a “commentary” (which I will), maybe the handwriting isn’t on the wall in Washington yet, but it is in Ohio.

Home Page

KCI Leadership… Knowing Who You Are and What You are Doing – Lead
Foxnews... Japan Discovers More Radiation Tainted Food – News
Politico... Liberal Democrats in uproar over Libya action – News
Townhall... Honoring All our WWI Heroes – Blogs
Townhall... Leadership from Gov. Kasich - Blogs

More News

Politico... John Boehner to President Obama: Define the mission
DBJ... Northwestern Mutual hiring 2,500 college interns

More Community

Enjoy the spring scenery as a volunteer

More Blogs

Plain Dealer... An Ohio budget to usher in leaner local government
Redstate... This week is the first anniversary of Obamacare


Esther Irene Warner

God Bless,

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