Friday, March 4, 2011

GHS Auto Tech going for Gold again; Pros & Cons on Union issue... and a related topic: our kids' educations!

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 5, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Once again, the union struggles in Wisconsin and Ohio have taken over the news and opinion discussions. On the Home Page, Teacher in Milwaukee. In News, the passage of SB5 and a Plain Dealer poll. In Blogs, two totally opposing opinions about the conflict. The breath of fresh air comes from Greenville High School. Auto Tech seeks yet another Gold, plus a Student Council report from Principal Chris Mortensen.

Home Page

GHS Auto Tech team unveils ABS project to Kiwanis – Lead Story
Life Lessons… Change for Change, By Chris Mortensen - Community
Townhall... America’s College Obsession - Blogs
Family Events... Our kids must learn to “give a little whistle...” - Blogs
Townhall... Oh, to Be a Teacher in Milwaukee! – Blogs


Toledo Blade... Ohio Senate OKs bill curbing union bargaining rights
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Is Ohio’s collective bargaining overhaul fair or unreasonable? Take our poll


Darke County American Red Cross Creating Teen Leaders
A Tribute to the Native American Flute

More Blogs

The Columbus Dispatch... Unused sick days should not spell “jackpot” for public-sector workers How Green Is Your Lost Job?
Truthout... Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin: Who “Contributes” to Public Workers’ Pensions?


Diane Brown, Martha Emily Labig

God Bless,

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