Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greenville ED efforts recognized nationally; Garst partners with Wright State; Volunteerism Conference; Free Speech & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 4, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Greenville recognized nationally for its Economic Development efforts by Site Selection Magazine; and special volunteer opportunity for seniors and any other individual wishing to volunteer his or her time. Why, like it or not, the court ruled for the Westboro Baptist Church.

Home Page

Greenville Recognized for ED Efforts by National Publication – Lead Story
Garst Museum announces partnership with Wright State - Community
Gade Health Care… 50 Years of Service - Community
Townhall... Except February Which Stands Alone - Blogs
Daily Events… “Bags of Scum Have Free Speech Rights, Too” – Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Kasich vows vast reform in budget
Cincinnati Enquirer... New Ohio chancellor: Get ready for change


Congressman John Boehner, Open Door Program
Volunteerism Conference, March 16

More Blogs

Townhall... Yep, It’s Still the Economy, Stupid


Ruth Fern (Poling) Anderson, Joshua James Eiting, Chalmer D. Cruze

God Bless,

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