Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kasich Budget: Details & Reaction around state; Art at the Mill; BRC Great Lunch event; Obamacare waivers; Hot-to-Protest students & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The lead story is what we’ve been “anticipating” for months now… many of us probably with mixed emotions. It includes links to reaction around the state as well as pdf’s of the actual budget recommendation, both summary and details.

Home Page

Gov. John Kasich’s 2012-13 Budget – Local entities hit hard – Lead Story
‘Art at the Mill’ 2011 – Events
Great Lunch. Great Price. Great Cause. From BRC – Events
Human Events... House GOP Shuts Down Failed TARP Programs – Blogs
Townhall... The Real Battle: Makers v. Takers - Blogs

More News

New York Times... State Legislatures Slow on Immigration Measures
Boehner: JEC Study Shows Spending Cuts Support Job Growth

More Blogs

Politico... Waivers at center of health debate
Libertarian Party... Press falsely credits Republicans with “deep cuts”
Townhall... To America’s hot-to-protest college students
The Columbus Dispatch... Democrats watch their base shrink


Dale D. Anthony Sr., Mary F. Sanders, Craig A. Jones, Amber D. Dispennette

God Bless,

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