Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reaction to State of State; Draw a Bunny for Easter; Charter Colleges; Calamity Days Back to 5; High Gas Prices & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for March 11, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Several newspapers have weighed in on Gov. John Kasich’s State of the State message. Check three of them out in our lead story.

Home Page

Reaction to Kasich State of the State – Reports and Opinion – Lead Story
Draw a Bunny for Easter – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Banks seek to delay new debit fee rules – News
Townhall... Who’s to Blame For Union Woes? – Blogs
Townhall... Obama’s Best Sport: Kicking the Can - Blogs

More News

Washington Beat, By Katie Pavlich
Columbus Dispatch... Charter college idea has appeal
Chicago Tribune... Top Democrat draws line in sand in budget fight
Buchy Announces Passage of Two Bills: Calamity Days & Rx Drug Abuse

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Ohio’s rogue prescription crisis
Townhall... 5 Reasons Unions Are Bad For America
From Redstate... Blame the Democrats for High Gas Prices


Darke County Volunteer Network to Meet March 31
Be a Trail Blazer. Families Welcome


Patricia Sue Rush, Rodney J. Derr

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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